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We have created a smart door application that uses face recognition. The basic description of the service is, we have a cloud application that contains the list and images of people that are allowed into the house. We have a mobile application that is used as an administrator and can add and delete people from the list and operate the door lock directly. We have an IOT system with a Raspberry PI, a camera and a lock actuator that will take a picture of the person trying to get into the house, send it to the cloud service, and operate the door if there is a match in the face.
- Face Recognition Server contains the cloud service
- Android contains the mobile application
- PI contains the Raspberry PI code to manage the actuators
- Deployment contains the files to deploy the project
- A short demo video can be found .
If you want to use our application, you need the following components. A hosting environment to deploy the .NET server, an Azure Face API subscription (basic is free), an android device to administrate the system, a camera, a door lock, and a Raspberry PI to operate both of them.
We have included a Deployment folder where you can find the three projects (Cloud, Web and PI).
To deploy the cloud application * You need to copy the files in FaceRecognitionServer to the hosting provider of your choice, we have used Azure App Services * You need to register to Azure Face API to get the API keys, then include them as environment variables named AZURE_FACE_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY and AZURE_FACE_ENDPOINT * Your cloud service is ready to use
To deploy the mobile application * Download the APK and install on an Android Device, or build the project in Android Studio and run in an emulator.
To deploy the IOT component * Download and run on a Raspberry Pi. * A wiring example can be found here